Professor in Evolutionary Psychology, Work and Organizational Psychology


Sex differences

Obstacles and opportunities for female leadership in mammalian societies: A comparative perspective

Smith, J., Ortiz, C. Buhbe, M. & Van Vugt, M. (2018). Obstacles and opportunities for female leadership in mammalian societies: A comparative perspective. The Leadership Quarterly. Download Abstract  Women remain universally underrepresented in the top leadership positions. A comparative evolutionary framework may offer new insights into the value...

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Sex differences in cooperation: A meta-analytic review of social dilemmas

Balliet, D., Li, N., Macfarlan, S., & Van Vugt, M. (2011). Sex differences in cooperation: A meta-analytic review of social dilemmas. Psychological Bulletin. Download Abstract: Although it is commonly believed that women are kinder and more cooperative than men, there is conflicting evidence for this assertion. Current theories of sex differences in social behavior suggest that it may...

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The wandering mind of men: ERP evidence for

Van Hooff, J. C., Crawford, H., Van Vugt, M. (2010). The wandering mind of men: ERP evidence for gender differences in attention bias towards attractive opposite sex faces. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. doi:10.1093/scan/nsq066 Download Abstract To examine the time course and automaticity of our attention bias towards attractive opposite sex faces, event-related potentials (ERP)...

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Sex differences in intergroup aggression and violence (in press)

Van Vugt, M. (in press). Sex differences in intergroup aggression and violence: The male warrior hypothesis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.  Download Abstract: The social science literature abounds with examples of human tribalism, the tendency to categorize individuals on the basis of their group membership and treat ingroup members benevolently and outgroup members malevolently....

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A history of war

D. D. P. Johnson & Van Vugt, M. (2009). A history of war: The role of intergroup conflict in sex differences in aggression. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

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Sex differences in cooperation (2008)

Simpson, B. & Van Vugt, M. (2008). Sex differences in cooperation: Integrating the evolutionary and social psychology literatures. Advances in Group Processes.  Download Abstract: A long line of research has addressed whether there are sex differences in cooperation and other forms of prosocial behavior. Studies of social dilemmas (situations that pose a conflict between individual...

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Gender differences in competition and cooperation

Van Vugt, M., De Cremer, D., & Janssen, D. (2007). Gender differences in competition and cooperation: The male warrior hypothesis. Psychological Science. 18, 19-23. Download ABSTRACT: Evolutionary scientists argue that human cooperation is the product of a long history of competition among rival groups. There are various reasons to believe that this logic applies particularly to men. In...

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