Professor in Evolutionary Psychology, Work and Organizational Psychology


Evolutionary Psychology

Naar een Evolutionaire A&O psychologie

van Vugt, M. (2025). Naar een evolutionaire Arbeids-& Organisatiepsychologie. Gedrag & Organisatie, 38(1), 1-25.(see link)  link naar volledige artikel Samenvatting Een evolutionair-gerichte A&O-psycholoog kijkt naar eventuele mismatches tussen de manier waarop mensen nu werken en hoe onze verre voorouders werkten. Hoe sterker deze mismatch des te groter de kans op...

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Evolutionary Psychology’s Next Challenge: Solving Modern Problems Using a Mismatch Perspective

Li, N. P., Yong, J. C., & Van Vugt, M. (2020). Evolutionary psychology’s next challenge: Solving modern problems using a mismatch perspective. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 14(4), 362.(link to article) Abstract As acceptance of evolutionary perspectives in mainstream psychology grows, it becomes increasingly pertinent to ask what evolutionary psychology can do to solve real-world...

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Effects of economic uncertainty and socioeconomic status on reproductive timing: A life history approach

Tan, K., Li, N. P., Meltzer, A. L., Chin, J. L., Tan, L. K., Lim, A. J., ... & van Vugt, M. (2022). Effects of economic uncertainty and socioeconomic status on reproductive timing: A life history approach. Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, 3, 100040. Abstract Why do some people have children earlier compared to others who delay reproduction? Drawing from an evolutionary,...

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The Evolutionary Mismatch Hypothesis: Implications for Psychological Science

Li. N. P., Van Vugt, M., & Colarelli., S. M. (2017). The evolutionary mismatch hypothesis: Implications for psychological science. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 1-7. DOI: 10.1177/0963721417731378 Abstract Human psychological mechanisms are adaptations that evolved to process environmental inputs, turning them into behavioral outputs that, on average, increase survival...

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Evolutionary psychology: Theoretical foundations for the study of organizations

Van Vugt, M. (2017). Evolutionary psychology: Theoretical foundations for the study of organizations. Journal of Organization Design, 6(1), 9. Abstract This article provides an introduction to evolutionary psychology and its relevance to organizational design theory and practice. Evolutionary psychology assumes that human nature reflect adaptations to an ancestral environment that was intensely...

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