Professor in Evolutionary Psychology, Work and Organizational Psychology


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lectures and workshops on leadership and evolutionary psychology

As part of my consultancy activities (in Dutch or English) as professor, I give regular lectures and workshops on leadership and (evolutionary) psychology to public and private organizations.

This lecture (in Dutch) gives an impression of my work. On YouTube you will also find some of my lectures in English.

Here are some of the topics I teach in these lectures and workshops:

(1) Adaptive Leadership:

The session on adaptive leadership covers a range of topics that aim to help professionals understand leader-follower relations in the workplace from an evolutionary perspective. By incorporating these elements, the workshop helps professionals gain a deeper understanding of the principles of good leadership, enhance their personal leadership skills, and foster productive and supportive work environments based on an appreciation of our evolutionary heritage.

Learning goals:
Understand what basic needs exist in your team and organization.

Discover how to adapt your leadership style to the situation.

Discuss gender differences in leadership style


Van Vugt, M., & Ahuja, A. (2011). Naturally selected: The evolutionary science of leadership. HarperBusiness.

van Vugt, M., & Wildschut, M. (2022). Gezag: de wetenschap van macht, gezag en leiderschap. Lev..

(2) Evolutionary Psychology for Organizations:

Here I focus on how evolutionary principles shape human behavior, cognition, and social interactions. Professionals can apply this knowledge in fields like psychology, education, business, and healthcare. The key topics we cover are the basic principles of evolutionary psychology. We discuss how these principles explain fundamental aspects of human psychology, such as survival instincts, reproductive behavior, and social dynamics. We also discuss how evolved psychological mechanisms influence modern human behavior, from decision-making to relationship dynamics and impacts on work environments, leadership, cooperation, competition, and communication. Why did human emotions such as fear, jealousy, or empathy evolve and why do they persist today? We also apply thes to understanding mental health, motivation, and interpersonal relationships and consider individual andd cultural differences

Learning Goals:
Understanding evolutionary mechanisms in human behavior: Participants will learn how evolutionary forces have shaped core psychological functions, such as emotions, social bonding, and decision-making, and how to apply this understanding in their professional practice.

Applying Evolutionary Psychology to Address Contemporary Issues: Professionals will be able to recognize and apply evolutionary psychological principles to analyze and solve problems in real-world contexts, such as workplace dynamics, mental health interventions, and social behavior in group settings.


Buss, D. (2019). Evolutionary psychology: The new science of the mind. Routledge.

van Vugt, M. (2020). Lucy, Darwin & Lady Gaga. Lev..

Copyright © 2012– Mark van Vugt